Our Policies - Arkas Logistics

Our Policies - Arkas Logistics
Our Policies

Our Policies

Our Quality Management System Policy

Our Quality Management System Policy

As Arkas Logistics;

  • To provide the highest quality service to our customers in the most economical conditions by following technological innovations, thus to maintain customer satisfaction uninterruptedly,
  • To keep the motivation and productivity of our employees at the highest level with continuous training,
  • To disseminate the preventive perspective by accepting risk management as a part of all activities,
  • Respecting ethical values and working with a team spirit,
  • We aim to be a company with a high competitive power in its sector.

We are committed to achieving our goals by fulfilling the legal and applicable conditions and continuously improving our quality management system.

Our Occupational Health and Safety Policy

Our Occupational Health and Safety Policy

As Arkas Logistics, our priority is always occupational health and safety.

It is the basis of our policy to prevent all damage to our personnel, customers, suppliers, contractors, third parties, customer property and equipment in all our processes.

We monitor the performance on occupational health and safety, provide feedback for the development of our employees in this field, and provide continuous training.

During our activities;

  • We will comply with the occupational health and safety legislation and relevant standards,
  • We will provide a healthy and safe working environment for all our employees and interested parties,
  • We will work to prevent injuries and health deterioration,
  • We will carry out systematic and scientific studies to eliminate hazards and reduce OHS risks,
  • The Occupational Health and Safety management system and its performance will be continuously improved,
  • To ensure the participation of our employees and employee representatives while carrying out all these activities.

we are committed.

Our Environmental Management Policy

Our Environmental Management Policy

In our work as Arkas Logistics;

  • To act in an environmentally friendly manner,
  • To contribute to the protection of our natural environment,
  • To ensure that the wastes arising from our activities and their effects on the environment are kept at a minimum level,
  • It is our goal to increase the environmental awareness of the personnel with trainings.

To achieve these goals;

  • We will endeavor to prevent pollution and protect the environment,
  • We will comply with the legal and other conditions related to the environment,
  • We are committed to continuously improving our environmental management system in order to increase our environmental performance.
Our Information Security Policy

Our Information Security Policy

Our Arkas Logistics information security objectives are;

  • As Arkas Logistics, to ensure the security and confidentiality of information and data in all kinds of commercial and operational electronic, written or other media,
  • Ensuring the physical safety of all electronic information system equipment belonging to Arkas Logistics,
  • To ensure the efficient use of the supplied electronic information systems equipment and related service resources, to prevent them from being used for personal gain or malicious purposes,
  • Ensuring that all kinds of electronic information systems equipment and related service resources used within Arkas Logistics are legal and licensed,
  • Arkas Logistics aims to preserve its corporate identity and structure and to support the development of its corporate structure.

While realizing these purposes, we undertake to meet the legal and other applicable requirements regarding information security and to continuously improve the information security management system.

Our Company Management Policy

Our Company Management Policy

As Arkas Logistics;

  • From customers, staff and other interested parties; to record and evaluate their requests, complaints, suggestions and requests impartially, and to inform them about the results with all their justifications,
  • Positive/negative feedback regarding the resolution process of the relevant business team on the business day when the complaint record is opened,
  • Preventing recurrence by determining the root causes of complaints and planning actions,
  • To comply with national and international legislation and standard requirements,
  • We undertake to be transparent and objective in the complaint resolution processes based on the "principle of confidentiality" and to provide relevant resources.

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