Authorized Operator Status - Arkas Logistics

Authorized Operator Status - Arkas Logistics
Authorized Operator Status

As a result of the inspections carried out by the Ministry of Customs and Trade, our "Authorized Economic Operator Status" and "Permitted Shipment - Permitted Recipient" certificates were obtained, and as the 3rd logistics company holding these documents, the service network we offer to our customers has been expanded.

With these authorizations, it is reliable for our customers and fulfills the conditions specified in the legislation, and at the same time, with the Permitted Sender and Permitted Recipient permits we have obtained for our Hadımköy facility, it minimizes the time in customs clearance procedures in the import and export processes for our customers and allows the imported goods to be brought directly to the factory or exported goods from the factory. can be sent to the customs border.

The YYS application not only creates an inspection advantage in customs procedures, but also enables companies to perform customs procedures as a kind of customs administration.

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