Romania - Arkas Logistics

Romania - Arkas Logistics


General Information

It is located at the crossroads of Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe. It is surrounded by Ukraine to the north and northeast, Moldova to the northeast, Hungary to the northwest, Serbia to the southwest, Bulgaria to the south and the Black Sea to the east.

The country, which has a temperate continental climate, has a surface area of 238 thousand km² and a population of approximately 19 million. Romania is the 12th largest country in Europe and the 6th most populous country in the European Union. The majority of the population is ethnic Romanians who belong to the Eastern Orthodox Church and speak Romanian, a Latin language. Romania's capital and largest city is Bucharest, the other major cities are Iasi, Cluj, Timisoara, Constanța, Krayova, Brașov and Galac.

Economic Structure

In 2019, Romania's GDP was approximately $547 billion and GDP per capita (PPP) was $28,189. According to the World Bank, Romania is a high-income economy.

According to the European Statistical Institute, Romania's GDP per capita (PPS) was 70% of the EU average in 2019. The 44% increase in 2007 (the year of Romania's accession to the EU) made Romania one of the fastest growing economies in the EU.

After 1989, the country experienced a decade of economic instability and decline, led in part by an old industrial base and a lack of structural reforms. Since 2000, however, the Romanian economy has enjoyed relative Macroeconomic stability characterized by high growth, low unemployment and falling inflation.

General Information About Romania

Spread over an area of 238,391 km2, Romania is the 12th largest country in Europe and 82nd in the world. The country has 0.16% of the world's territory. Romania's borders with Bulgaria and Serbia are mostly bordered by the Danube River, while the Prut River, a tributary of the Danube, borders the south of Ukraine and Moldova. Although most of the delta where the Danube River flows into the Black Sea passes through Romania, the south, southwest, west and northeast of the country is surrounded by this river and its tributaries.